Jehovah Boy with Doug Smith
Comedian Doug Smith, a former Jehovah’s Witness, searches for the silver linings in growing up inside of a doomsday cult through conversations with other artists that had challenging experiences of their own.
Jehovah Boy with Doug Smith
Aaron Putnam
Doug ponders the idea of a Jehovah's Witness Rumspringa to retain membership before catching up with comedian and our first official ex-JW, Aaron Putnam.
They trade war stories about failing to keep a low profile in school, having nowhere to channel your raging hormones, and training for standup since the age of 7.
| Aaron |
Instagram: @comic_aaronputnam
Tik Tok: @comicaaronputnam
Facebook: Aaron Putnam Comedy
| Doug |
Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok & YouTube: @whodougsmith
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Produced by @doctorphotograph